CoVid19 update

greetings everyone! By now, most of us have been practicing Physical Distancing in a concerted effort to contain the spread of Covid19. In NH we have been asked to close down til at least May 4 and while I rile at the designation as Non-essential Service, we as a professional group chose to close it down to help the good of all. So! I have started to become familiar with technology.. Zoom and FaceTime for starters. As you know, what I do is pretty much hands on, one to one work and often, I can make suggestions for homework including things to do while watching tv or sitting.. ( been doing much of that lately? ) We are so blessed to live here in rural NH to have woods to walk in and places where we can all have enough space. As we have more time to actually ask ourselves “what DO I want to do? ” What do I really enjoy” , “What would really feed me at this time” and while options are limited as to travel, is is certainly a time I am using to just slow down a little bit and perhaps, really ask myself,, when we do have the freedom to get out and about, do I REALLY want to try to go “back” to “normal” ? Perhaps my perspective will change! Our world for sure is going to look and feel different.

In the coming weeks I will attempt to update this site, or at least write more on this blog space.. and let you know what I might be offering. It has occured to me simple pranayamas, or breathwork would be really helpful now, and to many of you in my office I have shown you. There are also some very cool Thai stretches from ancient protocols that I am going to hopefully present.. They are a series of self massage techniques that ,for my Thai enthusiasts , will seem familiar. More on that later-There are Kundalini Yoga short Kriyas I can perhaps share with people. My goal would be to find some short – 30 min perhaps sets or sessions to offer you guys.. on a one to one basis,, a private Zoom tutorial.

And, finally.. i have personally called everyone I believe who was scheduled in these last few weeks to let you know about appointments but would just like to put out there, that, I am booking in May.. and even if we have to change the appointment, having it on your calendar would certainly be something to look forward to! And, in the spirit of helping hands.. for my steady clients, IF its within your comfort zone, you might think of paying it forward and paying for your session up front! Think of it perhaps as a gift certificate for yourself!! You certainly deserve it!!

We will get thru this together. Its in our collective spirit especially here in our beautiful state. I have heard so many stories of selfless service it is truly heartwarming. Be aware, be safe and be nice to each other!!

Anne Perry, LMT
CELL: (603) 540-6165


  • 11 Pleasant St., New London, NH

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P.O. Box 1691, New London, NH 03257