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whats new?

well, today is April 23, 2020 and it is…… Thursday!! we have been in our social distancing lifestyle now since March 16! What new things have you learned about yourself? your partner? you pets? life? .. I have learned that

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CoVid19 update

greetings everyone! By now, most of us have been practicing Physical Distancing in a concerted effort to contain the spread of Covid19. In NH we have been asked to close down til at least May 4 and while I rile

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to the MAT

The BIOMAT that is!  Biomat is a  remarkable therapeutic pad made from an amazing 17 layer construction. I suggest going to the site, for a complete listing of the layers . This is a US FDA medical device 510K

Posted in Deep Tissue Massage, Traditional Thai Bodywork


So, you’ve been wondering about these things called Marma Points right? Well in Ayurveda, ( the science of Life) Marmani are “energy points” often described as “intersecting paths” located in the rivers of Prana that flow thru the body. I

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Anne Perry, LMT
CELL: (603) 540-6165


  • 11 Pleasant St., New London, NH

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P.O. Box 1691, New London, NH 03257